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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Scientific Conferences on Genomic Disorders 2012: The Genomics of Rare Diseases

Building on the success of the annual Genomic Disorders meetings held at Hinxton since 2007, Genomic Disorders 2012 presents an exciting blend of genomic science and clinical medicine. Our meeting aims to bring together scientists and clinicians interested in genomic variation in humans and the mechanisms by which it exerts its phenotypic effects.

This year’s meeting will discuss the latest findings relating to the genomic basis of rare disorders, and the role of rare variants in common disease, as these can provide such powerful insights into human biology. Genome wide analyses, including most recently Whole Exome Sequencing, are proving to be of great value in discovering the genetic basis of rare disorders and illustrate the power of humans as a model organism to study. As sequencing technology advances apace, other key aspects of genome science need to develop and grow in parallel.

These include: analysis (interpretation of sequence and copy number variants including assessment of clinical and biological impact and the elucidation/discernment of what constitutes medically actionable variants), ethics (what to do with incidental findings generated by whole genome research studies) and policy (stewardship and access to genomic data in research and healthcare); GD2012 will feature scientific sessions in these key areas.

The meeting will take place at the Wellcome Trust Conference Centre, in the convivial setting of the Hinxton Genome Campus where some of the world's leading scientists can discuss advances in their field and learn about recent progress in others.

Additional speakers will be selected to speak from submitted abstracts

The conference will open with registration at 15:00 followed by talks from 17:00 on the Wednesday, 21 March.
The conference will close after dinner on the Friday, 23 March, with just departures on the morning of the Saturday, 24 March.

To view the full  Details please click here