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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

ICMR Workshop on “From Idea (I) Research Question to Manuscript for Publication

ICMR Workshop on “From Idea (I)/Research Question to Manuscript for Publication (I2M)”

1. Title and date:

Title: Research Training Program: From Idea (I) to Manuscript for Publication (I2M).

Date: 1st contact Workshop – 30th March 2012 to1st April 2012

Venue: National Institute for Research in Reproductive Health (ICMR), Jahangir Merwanji Street, Parel, Mumbai-400 012

2. Background: Whether you are a care-giver,  policy maker or researcher, making informed and evidence - based healthcare choices is an important concern. In this information age, vast amount of information exists in databases and data sets. Most lie unexplored, under-utilized or simply under-optimized.
However, with the advent of new powerful and user-friendly analytical tools, trained healthcare researchers can mine and make sense of the available data. Clinically important research questions can be uncovered in more efficient and effective ways. Despite prevailing conditions for a virtual explosion in converting data into clinically meaningful information, this “explosion” has been very slow to take off.
3. Purpose of the programme:
To provide training to equip trainee with the ability to efficiently design a research question, carry out literature search, carry out data analysis from existing data sets and write a scientific manuscript using streamlined methods.
4. Description of the programme:
This is a nine month program with two contact sessions and a project.
A. 1st contact session of 3 days (March 30-April 1, 2012) will consist of total 24 hrs of lectures, demonstrations and project discussion.
B. Participants will continue the learning and mentoring process through online discussion with mentor and project implementation over 06 months (April – September 2012)
C. Second contact session (September 15 - 17, 2012) of three days (24 hrs) during which project presentation and evaluation will be carried out.
D. Using different databases/hospital records/dispensary records/drug prescription records participants will carry out outcomes research in following thrust areas:
1. Effectiveness of treatment modalities
2. Safety of treatment modalities
3. Drug Resistance
4. Cost
The research projects need to be focused on following diseases/areas:
Communicable diseases Tuberculosis
o For example:
 Outcomes of DOTS treatment in Tuberculosis
 Drug Resistance in Tuberculosis
 Short and long term safety of treatment modalities in pregnancy and children Viral diseases
o For example:
 Long terms patients outcomes of HIV patients treated with Anti-retroviral drugs
 Drug resistance in HIV patients treated with Anti-retroviral drugs
 Short and long term safety of HIV treatment modalities in pregnancy and children Parasite diseases For example:
 Short and long term safety of Anti-malarial drugs in pregnancy and children
 Drug compliance, usage patterns and resistance in Filariasis
 Drug usage patterns, resistance and patient outcomes in Malaria
Non - Communicable diseases Oncology
o For example:
 Short term outcomes of patients suffering from cancers of gall bladder, stomach, lung and oral cavity
 Long term outcomes and patient compliance of patients suffering from cancers of gall bladder, stomach, lung and oral cavity
 Short and long term drug safety and adverse drug events of Anti-metabolite drugs in Pregnancy and children.
Cardiovascular Diseases
o For example:
 Short and long term complications of Cardiovascular drugs
 Short and long term outcomes of patients suffering from Hypertension Mental diseases
o For example:
 Short and long term outcomes of schizophrenia and schizophrenia like acute psychotic disorders
 Drug use patterns in acute psychotic disorders
 Short and long term drug safety and adverse drug events of Anti-psychotic drugs in Pregnancy and children. Ophthalmology
o For example:
 Short term outcomes of Corneal diseases
 Management, treatment patterns in Retinal diseases Diabetes
o For example
 Effectiveness of Anti Diabetic drugs
 Insulin resistance in Diabetic patients
 Short and long term drug safety and adverse drug events of Anti-diabetic drugs in Pregnancy and children. Geriatrics
o Effectiveness of Anti-Ageing treatments and their outcomes.
Note: Specific examples are listed in Appendix.
5. Schedule :
• Application deadline: February 28, 2012
• Selection deadline: March 5, 2012
• Three day contact session 1: March 30-April 1, 2012
• Online training: April – September 2012
• Three day contact session 2: September 15 - 17, 2012
• Manuscript submission deadline: November 20, 2012
• Journal submission deadline: December 15, 2012
6. List of Faculty : Core faculty with expertise in Research methodology Invitees from editor of journal, representatives of granting agencies, regulatory body, bioethics and statistics.
Domain experts for mentoring in specialized research areas put forth by the applicant in the proposed concept note.
7. Topics covered & types of training assignments:
 I2M modules
• Module 1: Program overview, high impact forum, communication
technology and project-specific research resource mapping
• Module 2: Research question formulation
• Module 3: Literature search
• Module 4: Protocol design, Data collection and CRF design
• Module 5: Manuscript writing: Introduction
• Module 6: Manuscript writing: Methods
• Module 7: Data analysis
• Module 8: Interpretation of statistical findings (Session 1)
• Module 9: Data collection and extraction methods
• Module 10: Interpretation of statistical findings (Session 2)
• Module 11: Manuscript writing: Results
• Module 12: Ethics and IRB
• Module 13: Literature review for manuscript writing
• Module 14: Manuscript writing: Discussion
• Module 15: Manuscript editing
8. Learning sessions
a. E-learning
i. Audio conferencing (Skype ) to resolve major concerns/issues related to manuscript preparation.
ii. Video conferencing (Skype) as deemed necessary
b. Face to Face learning
i. Venue for Contact sessions: NIRRH, Parel, Mumbai
c. Mentored guidance and feedback
i. Course coordinator
ii. Clinical Mentor
d. E-forum for discussions on several issues among the trainees and the faculty
9. Key outcomes:
1. Trainee, with the analytical power to utilize the data records will be better informed about taking an „idea‟ from inception to „publication‟.
2. Develop technical skills, gain competence and confidence in preparing scientific documents and imparting this knowledge to fellow colleagues at their respective institutions will help excavate data from the hospitals, clinics thereby increasing the knowledge bank of „evidence based medicine‟.
10. Eligibility criteria:
a. A Masters or Doctorate in Biomedical Sciences/Graduate/Postgraduate in Medical sciences.
b. Potential participants application should be approved and supported by the Institutional Head/Dean/Director
c. Biomedical research data, statistical and IT support (24 hours access to Computer & Internet at their parent institute/clinic/home).
d. Potential participants should be willing to dedicate time to work on their data and move from research question to publication during the course duration.
e. Experience in Academic research is preferred.
f. Pre-requisites
a. Common requirements for all participants
i. Institutional support/Self motivated
ii. Access to a Laptop and Hi-speed Internet connection (broadband or 3G)
iii. Clinical/research institutional mentor – to be identified by the participants
iv. Statistical and IT support
11. What you can expect from us:
1. Methodological mentorship
2. Structured course material
3. Systematic training which will eventually result in a manuscript ready for submission.
12. Application process ( including last date of receipt of application):
The duly filled application form should be submitted by email and post on the contact email ID and address given below. The application form should contain the following enclosures:
A. Support and permission letter from relevant institutional authority
B. One page CV of potential participant
C. Summary /concept note of project proposal in ICMR Ad-hoc format (
The application completed in all respect with enclosures should reach by email /by post on or before 28th February 2012. Incomplete and late applications will be rejected without further notice.
13. Selection process:
Potential participants will be selected by a selection committee in consultation with ICMR based on the following criteria:
A. The details sent in the application form with special consideration towards the need of the participant‟s institution in the areas research.
B. CV of participant.
C. Approval and support of Dean and Administrative Authorities
The decision of the selection committee will be final and binding. All participants and their institutions will be informed of their selection by email by 5th March, 2012.
14. Contact Information: Application should be sent by email and post.
Please send the filled application form with all documents and proposal by mail on with cc to
Also send 05 hard copies by post to the following address, Address:
Dr. Lalita Savardekar,
Scientist D
National Institute for Research in Reproductive Health (NIRRH),
Parel, Mumbai- 400 012
With one hard copy to,
Sagar S. Bachhav,
Dean Office, ESI-PGIMSR MGM Hospital,
Dr. S. S. Rao Road, Parel, Mumbai – 400 012.
15. Registration, travel and accommodation
Registration: Potential participants who are selected will be informed by email and will then be sent a brief registration form for the workshop.
Travel: Airfare/railway fare by economy/sleeper/AC class will be booked by the organizers to and from Mumbai Airport/railway station. The preferred time of arrival and departure needs to be mentioned in while filling in the registration form, after selection.
Accommodation: Accommodation on twin sharing basis will be arranged for all participants in the Guest house. Participants will be expected to arrive by March 29th. Food will be provided by the organizers during the contact sessions. Participants can depart on completion of the workshop (evening of last day after 6 p.m. of contact session).
All the correspondence should be address to,
Dr. Lalita Savardekar,
Scientist D
National Institute for Research in Reproductive Health (NIRRH),
Parel, Mumbai- 400 012 Cell: 9819220032 (Dr. Jatin) and 9892789585 (Dr. Savardekar)

Download Application form.