Workshop on Man and Medicinal Plants
February 23 & 24, 2012
Organized by
School of Life Sciences
Bharathiar University, Coimbatore
About the Workshop :February 23 & 24, 2012
Organized by
School of Life Sciences
Bharathiar University, Coimbatore
There has always been a strong relationship between man and medicinal plants. Right from the start of civilization palnts have been used as medicine by men and animals, probably by animals before men. Ayurveda, born out of the Vedas, has always has a close bond with herbal plants. Plants have become the never ending source for new bio-dynamic compunds of potential therapeutc value. It is in this context that our Department is proposing to organize this scientific gathering with full involvement of experts from various organizations from all over India. With the objective of sharing experiences and knowledge in the field of herbal research, this workshop will provide a platform and opportunities to the participants to interact with the national scientists and persons working in the field of herbal research. Moreover the workshop is expected to bring out new ideas and research knowledge associated with emerging challenges and research opportunities in herbal science to the budding scientists. We hope this workshop will provide a clear image of how medicinal plants can provide a safer future for human beings, as they did in past and doing in present too.
About the Department :
Department of Botany, established in July 1977, is offering post graduate degree in M.Sc, M.Phil and PhD programmes in Botany with specialization in Mycology, Microbiology, Plant Physiology, Nutraceuticals and Phytomedicine, Tissue culture and reproductive biology, Genetics and Plant Breeding and Plant Systematics. The Department instituted a new Masters programme in Bioinformatics for the first time in the country during 2011 which has been elevated as an independent Department in the year 2006. The Department of Botany has received the support of DST-FIST grant in the year 2011. So far the Department has produced 90 PhD and 200 M.Phil scholars. Apart from 9 books/monographs, the faculty members and the students have published, a total of 830 research papers in both national and international journals. The faculty members have so far completed 32 research projects funded by various national and international agencies and have filed sevral patents.
Scientific Programme :
1. Traditional system of medicinal plants - An overview
2. Medicinal plants diversity
3. Relevance of ethnopharmacology in herbal medicines
4. Bioprospecting of medicinal plant resources in India
5. Herbal drug and Human health
6. Conservation and agro-technology of herbals
Registration : The interested participants are requested to register themselves for participation in the workshop well in time on or before 17th February, 2012
- Students : RS 200
- Delegates : Rs 300
Address for Correspondence :
Dr T Parimelazhagan
Organizing secretary
Department of Botany
Bharathiar University, Coimbatore-641046
Ph : 0422-2428305 | Fax : 0422-2425706 | Mobile :9750006025
Email :
Deadline : 17.02.12
Work Shop details