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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

India : Workshop on Cancer Informatics & Informatics of MicroArray Data

Objectives :
  • This workshop and mini-symposium has been organized for students, teachers and early career scientists interested in adopting rnicroarray technologies and bioinformatics methods.
  • The aim of this event is to familiarize participants with analytical approaches and provide hands-on training in data analysis methodologies.
  • The workshop will include brief lectures and training in microarray technology, types of microarrays, data pre-processing, data quality issues, methods and tools of downstream analysis including gene and pathway analysis, leading to functional annotation of data.
  • Participants ai.e encouraged to bring their own data to analyze during the workshop.
  • The mini-symposium will include talks by leading researchers in the area of cancer biology and informatics.
Eligibility :
  • Ph. D. Students, Early Career Scientists, Clinicians
  • Applicants should have a working knowledge of computers and their own microarray data
Workshop Registration Fee : Rs. 5000
How to Apply :
Please send your statement of purpose and resume by email to Dr. Jyoti Rao Selected candidates will be informed about registration details by email latest by 30th August, 2012. Number of participants : 20
Mini-symposium (14 Sep, 2012, 9 am to 1 pm) : No registration is required.
Please inform us of your participation by email ( latest by 6th September, 2012.
Submission deadline (statement of purposa & resume) 20th August, 2012.
Speakers for Mini-symposium
Prof. Rajiv Sarin, ACTREC, Navi Mumbai, India
Prof. Kanury Rao, ICGEB, New Delhi, India
Dr. Partha Majumder, NThIvIG, Kalyani, India
Prof. P. Kondaiah, ESC, Bangalore, India
Dr. Matthias Nees, VTT Medical Biotechnology, Turku, Finland
Original Notification