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Thursday, March 8, 2012

2nd Annual Vaccines Congress 2012 - United Kingdom 2012

Oxford Global Conferences is proud to present its 2nd Annual Vaccines Congress 2012, which is to be held on the 2nd & 3rd April at the Copthorne Tara Hotel in London, UK. The congress is the single most focused event in Europe dedicated to assess key technological and scientific strategies in the pharmaceutical and biotech industry, as well as academic institutions in vaccines discovery and development. It will also be co-located with our 5th Proteins Congress 2012.

The vaccine market has become one of the largest growth areas in the healthcare industry and vaccines role in public health preparedness grows ever more with immunisation being one of the greatest achievements. This congress will provide up to date insights into the discovery and development of vaccine candidates for diseases. It will also cover current developments in Vaccine process development and production, new and novel technologies for Vaccines design, development and delivery, as well as implementation of successful clinical trials. Attendees at the event will benefit from strategies to lower cost and time to first dose, increase yield and optimise pipeline in Vaccines Discovery and Development.

Do not miss out on our co-located congress 5th Annual Proteins Congress 2012, which is the single most focused event in Europe dedicated to key technological and scientific trends in Proteins in the pharmaceutical and biotech industry.

 Read More about The event