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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Second National Conference on Antimicrobial Resistance : A Cause for Global Concern

The rapid emergence of resistance to antibiotics amongst pathogens generates visions of the 'potential post-antibiotic era threatening present and future medical advances'. The extensive use of antibiotics in medicine and agriculture has increased the reservoir of resistance genes. It is thus not surprising that the introduction of a new agent is, practically invariably, followed by heightened resistance. Legitimately used antibiotic therapy based on sound evidences is justified; however, the inappropriate use largely exceeds this and introduces a large amount of antibiotic into the environment.

In view of the above, the Department of Microbiology & Fermentation Technology, Sam Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture, Technology & Sciences, Deemed-to-be-University, Allahabad is organizing the Second National Conference on “Antimicrobial Resistance : A Cause for Global Concern” from 6 - 8th February, 2012. The organizing committee takes pleasure to extend a warm and cordial invitation to Faculty members, Scientists, Students, Health Care Professionals and Industrialists from various Universities, Research Institutes and Organizations to participate and present the relevant data under the various themes and sub-themes.

The Conference will provide a new forum for presentation and dissemination of information on increasing antimicrobial resistance in microbial pathogens and exchange experiences on anti-microbe strategies.

6 to 8 February 2012
Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India
For More Information