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Sunday, January 29, 2012

India 2012 -Workshop on Advances in Computational Genomics

Madurai Kamraj University
UGC-Networking resource centre in biological sciences
"On-site" workshop on
"Advances in Computational Genomics"
Venue : Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa
February 13-20, 2012
Applications are invited from research scholars, post-docs, young faculty  members  and scientists  from  Universities / Research Institutions in Kadapa for the UGC-NRCBS ‘On-Site’workshop on “Advances in Computational Genomics” to be held from February, 13-20, 2012.
ELIGIBILITY : Applications are invited from research scholars doing Ph. D, young faculty members and scientists working in research Departments of Colleges or Universities/Research Institutes in Kadapa. Preference will be given to the candidates working or intended to work in the area of Genomics and related areas
APPLICATION & SELECTION PROCEDURE : The application form can be downloaded from or Candidates should submit the filled in application form to Dr. A. Chandra Sekhar,  Local Organizer, On-Site UGC-NRCBS workshop on “Advances in Computational Genomics”, Department of Biotechnology, Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa - 516 003 on or before 8 February, 2012. Applications should be forwarded by their research supervisors/Head  of the Department or Head of the Institution. The candidates will be selected based on their qualification and research interests.
REMUNERATION  AND TRAVEL : UGC-NRCBS, MKU will provide course material, lab manual and working lunch to the participants as per Madurai Kamaraj University regulations. The participants has to take care of their travel and stay. The training  period  shall  be  considered as 'On Duty' by the participant's parent institution
ABOUT SCHOOL OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES : Madurai Kamaraj University, established in 1966, has 18 Schools comprising 74 Departments, 66 affiliated Colleges and 15 Institutions. UGC has recognized MKU as a “University  with Potential for Excellence”.  School  of Biological  Sciences (SBS) founded by late Prof. S. Krishnaswamy, stands as an internationally reputed Centre of Excellence in research in modern biology. The SBS had pioneered in teaching Integrated Biology and Genomic Sciences. The focus of research shifted in consonance with the contemporary developments and the UGC elevated the SBS as the “Centre for Advanced Studies in Functional Genomics”. The UGC has also supported SBS to establish the “Centre for Excellence in Genomic Sciences”. Recently, UGC has recognized SBS as a “Networking Resource Centre in Biological Sciences”.
ABOUT THE ON-SITE WORKSHOP : Technological advances over the past two decades have led to the accumulation of whole genome sequence data. As the number of sequenced  genomes  rapidly  increases, searching  and  comparing sequence features within and between species has become a part of most biological inquires.  Comparative genomics helps identifying potential new drug targets, such as putative essential genes and/or those affecting the cell viability that are conserved in pathogenic organisms.  Complete genome sequences will be retrieved, analyzed through genome browsers to get the required functional information.  Available  genomic  data  can  be  utilized  to  design molecular biological experiments, using in silico simulations. PCR primer designing and in silico simulations can be efficiently used to check the specificity of the designed experiments. Awareness on the available  genomic  data is limited. Submission  of the indigenous sequences  derived from the  experiments  using Sakura and other tools is limited and the participants will be given training on the above  aspects.  The main objective of this “On Site” workshop program is to introduce the resources available in public domain with their applications in the advance functional genomic studies.
UGC-Networking Resource Centre in Biological Sciences
School of Biological Sciences
Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai – 625 021
Tel: 0452-2458478 / 2459873 Fax: 0452-2459873
Deadline : 08.02.12
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