has four Divisions, two units, three cells and an experimental farm at its Headquarters in New Delhi and 10 regional/ base stations located in different phytogeographical zones of India. Besides this, a National Research Centre on DNA fingerprinting and an All India Coordinated Research Project on Under-utilized Crops are also located at the Bureau. Bioinformatics is one of the major activitities of NRCDF, which has Computatiional facilities, computer infrastructure, molecular fingerprinting of released varieties and genetic stocks of crop plants of India. It has the objectives of standardization of molecular marker systems for DNA profiling and their application in variety identification.
About NABG The National Agricultural Bioinformatics Grid (NABG) has been initiated with funding from NAIP for a period of Three years (2010-13) for development of agricultural bioinformatics grid for the country. The Project is being implemented at five domain centres located at NBPGR, New Delhi, NBAII, Bangalore, NBAGR, Karnal, NBAIM, Mau and NBFGR, Lucknow. The major objectives of NABG include- Provision of High Computational infrastructure to a Network of Institutions, creation of local databases and Bioinformatics Data Warehouse (BinDW) for genomic resources across species, design of analysis tools and facilitation of Bioinformatics analysis & functional annotation of genomic data to discover new genes and Human resource development in agricultural bioinformatics.
Training Objective :
- The workshop aims to equip participants with practical hands on tools use skills for crop genome data analysis and discovery of important genes.
- The workshop curriculum includes both theoretical lectures by domain experts and daily lab sessions to equip participants with hands on experience skills in use of Bioinformatics tools.
- The candidates must possess Master's Degree in any discipline of Agriculture or Statics or Life Science.
- He/she should be working in a position not below the rank of scientist/Assistant Professor in National Agricultural Research System (N.A.R.S.) , ICAR institutes / State Agricultural Universities / Directorates /NRCs /KVKs/ Central Agricultural Universities / Faculty of Agriculture under Central Universities, etc.
- Afair working knowledge of the computer is essential.
Nominations in the prescribed application form (enclosed) may be sent to
Dr Soma S Marla,
Course Director and Principal Scientist,
NRC DNA FP, NBPGR, Pusa Campus,
New Delhi-110012
at the earliest possible through mail / email to nabg@nbpgr.ernet.in or vk.sharma24@yahoo.co.in
Total number of participant : 15
Last date for received application : 30th August 2012
For Further Information