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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Paris 2012 - International Human Microbiome Congress

Human Microbiome research has become one of the most exciting fields in biology, generating fascinating insights into the relations of microbes and man and the effects of our microbes on our health and well-being. World leading scientists will discuss the new findings, their impacts and the future trends at the next International Human Microbiome Congress, organized by the European consortium MetaHIT in Paris, March 19-21, 2012 at the Palais Brongniart. This is a prime occasion to feel the field – early registration is highly encouraged, as we shall proceed on the first come first served basis.

Scientists are encouraged to submit their work as poster presentations, some of which will be selected for oral presentations.

Registration and abstract submission are now open. Information about local logistics and various practical tips, including hotels, will soon be available.

The Congress will welcome 600 participants at the Palais Brongniart. Registration fees work as follow:

475€ for regular registration
400€ for junior (*) registration
The NIH Human Microbiome Project will contribute support for a select number of junior scientists (*) to attend this conference. An abstract, a CV and a list of publications (CV and publications, maximum 2 pages) will be needed for the travel award application. Applications should be received no later than Friday, December 2, 2011. A selection committee will review these applications and travel awards will be announced in late December, 2011. It is anticipated that a maximum of 40 awards will be given and will be applied as a waiver towards the registration fee.

(*) For this application as well as registration fees, junior scientists are defined as current PhD students and post-doctoral fellows who have received their PhD degree within the last 4 years.

Conference details