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Wednesday, August 1, 2012

10th Functional Genomics Screening Strategies - USA

In the screening world there is definitely no one-size-fits-all and there is also no dearth of options to choose from to address your screening needs. So how do you decide which screening strategy to use? What factors help determine the right choice of assay platform, cells and reagents? Can different screening techniques be utilized in tandem or be staggered to better validate the results and overcome individual shortcomings? Which screening strategy will provide information that is most relevant and physiologically significant to your biological query? It is quite evident that there is an unmet need that can be addressed by getting together the right thought leaders in the field to discuss the informational gaps and the resources that can be leveraged to bridge these shortcomings.

Cambridge Healthtech Institute's 10th Annual Functional Genomics Screening Strategies, which previously covered only RNA Interference (RNAi) Screening, now covers the use of chemical genomics tools, cDNA overexpression assays and the potential use of micro RNA (miRNA) and long non-coding RNAs for identifying and validating drug targets, exploring unknown cellular pathways, and for performing translational studies such as biomarker discovery, drug modifier screens and more. Hear from the experts in industry and academia on how they are leveraging the utility of these diverse screens for a wide range of applications.

Session topics will cover:
- Functional genomics application for diverse biological questions
- Challenges in assay design and development
- Choosing the right cell, library and reagents for your screening efforts
- Informatics tools for screening data analysis and hit nomination
- Dealing with off-target effects and false positives: towards hit prioritization
- Hit validation: a post-genomic era of challenges and tribulations
- A need for gold standards and data quality control

More about the Event