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Thursday, July 26, 2012

Sixth Teacher/Researcher Training Workshop on Basic Immunological Techniques at IISC India

UGC-Networking Resource Centre
Sixth Teacher/Researcher Training Workshop on Basic Immunological Techniques at Indian Institute of Science
Applications from teachers and researchers from university and affiliated institutions are invited for Sixth Workshop on ‘Basic Immunological techniques’ being held during 24 September–6 October 2012 at Indian Institute of Science.
The workshop consists of theory classes, in basic and contemporary topics in immunology and focuses on hands-on training in immunological techniques.
Applicants below 45 years should send a brief bio-data including a paragraph on current research being carried out and list of publications if any to the coordinator of the UGC Networking Centre by e-mail. No specific format is required for applying. Since the number of seats is limited, preference will be given from early to mid-career research-oriented university and college teachers, professionals, postdoctoral fellows and registered Ph.D. students engaged in research in the field of immunology or plan to use immunological techniques. Please note that candidates pursuing M.Sc. degree or working temporarily in projects are not eligible. Preference will be given to candidates who provide official approval for attending the workshop.
Boarding and lodging will be arranged at the Institute, and travel expenses by train, according to the Institute guidelines, will be reimbursed by the UGC-NRC. For more information, you are advised to visit the UGC Networking Centre website at
You may contact us at the address UGC-NRC-DBS, Department of Microbiology and Cell Biology, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore 560 012, and send applications to the coordinator at the e-mail address:
The last date for receiving applications is 21 August 2012.