27 - 30 November 2012, Taipei, Taiwan
We welcome participants to the 13th Tetrahedron Symposium (Asia), which will focus on the many crucial contributions that synthetic, medicinal chemistry and chemical biology are making to the life and medical sciences now and in the future. Chemistry is playing an increasingly pivotal role and chemists are often intimately involved at the forefront of the biological sciences whilst bringing to them the distinctive approaches of the rigorous chemical sciences. The Symposium will also highlight the key role of chemistry in the discovery and development of new therapeutic agents for human diseases.Lectures from a distinguished list of world-leading speakers will cover such topics as:
• Sequencing nucleic acids: from chemistry to life sciences and medicine
• Oligonucleotide-based tools for pharmacology and nano-engineering
• The future of kinase drug discovery - challenges and opportunities
• Vaccines as a new paradigm for the treatment of drug addiction
• Fragment-based drug discovery: a decade of thinking small
• Chemical biology of nanomedicines
• Modulation of DNA damage-response pathways in cancer therapy
• The chemical biology of protein splicing
• Molecular design for selective recognition and reaction with RNA Target identification for biologically relevant small molecules.
Conference Web site