July 9–12, 2012 Riga, Latvia
Conference topics
• Most important fly families
(Agromizidae, Cecidomyiidae, Drosophilidae, Tephritidae) and other flies – diversity, biology and morphology)
• Biological control of flies and Integrated pest management systems
• Invasiveness of some fly species in their new distribution areas
ll submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by two anonymous reviewers and published in scientific journal. Articles will be published only after manuscript acceptance for publishing. Early submitted and in time reviewed articles will be published until the first day of the Conference. Late submitted articles (and early submitted articles accepted for publishing with the major changes) will be published after the Conference. During the Conference days (or by regular mail if articles will be published after the Conference) all authors will receive their free paper copies. After the Conference the electronically version of all issued volumes will be available from RPD Science homepage.
Conference abstracts
All accepted abstracts of all conference presentations will be published in special scientific abstract journal. Abstract journal will be available on the first day of the Conference. During the Conference registration all conference participants will receive their free journal copy. After the Conference the electronically version of abstract journal will be available from RPD Science homepage.