This year the ASCB will pick a Minisymposium topic proposed by a pair of young scientists (senior graduate students or postdocs eligible) that is not already covered at the meeting (see list below).
If your proposal is selected, you will both be responsible for:
- Reviewing abstracts in August 2012 and selecting a total of six talks from submitted abstracts. (You and your co-chair may give two of these talks.)
- Allocating the $1,500 in travel funds for your Minisymposium among the co-chairs and speakers.
- Contacting all speakers prior to the meeting to coordinate your session.
- Preparing a five-minute introduction for your session.
- Complimentary abstract submission to the meeting (so you may present a talk in your own session).
- Complimentary registration for the meeting.
- A certificate acknowledging that you co-chaired a Minisymposium at the 2012 American Society for Cell Biology Annual Meeting.
- Topic Summary: In 300 words or less, propose your topic. Be sure to include why it is an interesting topic for cell biology and why it would be a good fit for the ASCB Annual Meeting. Also include one to two sentences about why you would both be great co-chairs and how you each bring a different perspective to the session topic.
- CVs: Attach the CVs of both co-chairs.
- Two Sample Abstracts: In 300 words or less, each of you must describe what you would speak about during your time slot.
- References: Provide at least two references with name, phone, and email. (They do not need to send letters to us, but we may contact them.)
Please submit all materials by March 7, 2012
More Info of Conference